What is Medical Qigong?
The art of Qigong (chi gung or chi kung) originated over 5,000 years ago and is based on the principles used in acupuncture and traditional Chinese Taoist medicine. It is a form of light exercise that involves repeated movements, practiced breathwork, stretching and postures. Qigong can restores the flow of energy in the body and helps us become aware of the flow of our own life force energy. Martial arts are also considered to be another form of Qigong.
The power of Qigong has been demonstrated in China over thousands of year. It has benefited millions of people across the globe. Developing the life force energy, or chi is the main focus of Qigong. For most, the main benefits of qigong come from the relief or prevention it provides for a multitude of chronic health issues such as diabetes, poor circulation, back pain, and even cancer. Medical Qigong for self-healing works toward resetting the body to neutral by releasing blockages in the energy flow. A variety of techniques are used to achieve this. Different forms of Qigong, these elements are combined and used in different ways.